Friday, March 9, 2012


So I've been kind of neglecting this blog lately, mostly because I have started a blog directly related to a project I am working on and it's sort of my hobby at this point.  Shameless Plug!

I've picked up Mass Effect 3 and I have found it to be rather overwhelming, the sheer scale of the task laid in front of you at the very beginning of the game is monumental and doesn't seem to simplify as you get farther in.  So far it seems to have managed to combine the greatest elements of the last two games and eliminated nearly all the flaws. I have heard some complain that getting quests added from ambient dialogue lacks engagement, but I haven't really been bothered by this. Perhaps I'm just used to it after playing Skyrim.

Admittedly I love getting back into a Mass Effect game where you have a very character driven story that gives your decisions massive implications. I know I will be doing multiple playthroughs of this, and a lot more if I can get Multiplayer to actually work for me. I try to find games but it never finds anything, and when I create a game nobody can find it. I chalk it up to EA's shitty Origin system not working correctly.

If you haven't tried it yet, and you've played the first two, get on it! Like, right now!